
BodyTalk Space has moved to Laurahamesfranklin.com as a better way to seamlessly integrate all of the new inspired information on health, movement, and life.

You will find all of the best information and resources on BodyTalk including testimonials, articles and special events.

See you there!

See you there! :)


“Before I was introduced to Body Talk, I used to live in a world of pain and fear.  Doctors who understood very little about me had given me multiple diagnoses, including Bipolar Disorder of the Type II, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and the last one, Major Depressive Disorder.  They had forced me into hospitalization and had prescribed several medications at very high doses that never worked.  Although it was clear that my overall health was deteriorating, they firmly stated I should not even consider reducing the dosages I had been prescribed. I was told my view of myself was not correct and that I was not well-educated on the matter of psychiatric and neurological health (although I had been pursuing my doctorate at their very institution.)  I was supposed to understand and accept that my condition was biologically based, and therefore it required counteracting biochemical drugs in order to be balanced –but never healed. Clearly I needed change, but they were just not it.

Listening to myself is what changed everything.  Body Talk-ing helped me understand why dis-ease had taken place in my body, and gave me the confidence I needed to stop taking medications.  Once my body-mind and soul were heard, my perspective shifted and so did the Universe. An incredible sequence of events took place, all of them supporting a deeply transformative journey. Within merely 3 and a half months, here is what happened: I was dismissed from my Ph.D. program, where what I actually wanted to pursue was not given any room.  Financial resources arrived from multiple and unexpected sources, allowing me to relocate.  In my new place, I have been showered with highly positive people and events, all of them adding to my daily joy, fulfillment, and understanding.  It also became clear to me that my life partner had been there all along – and we got married!  I now live in a world of trust, gratitude, love, and insights.  I am always exactly where I need to be, and I know my future can be exactly as I want it, because the present already is.”


Hi Laura,
I enjoyed the class very much.
I have been doing the Access routine since then and what I am noticing  is that I am having bursts of energy that come flooding in. They are not nervous or hectic, but feel great! Curious to see how I feel as time goes on.
Greetings from the desert –

“So, since our session a few months ago, I feel stronger emotionally than I have in years. It took a while, as you said it would, for everything to work itself out but the results have been pretty incredible. I ALSO haven’t had any back pain since our session, after being totally out of commission for at a few days every few weeks. None, not once!

Because of this, I feel like I DO want to take the jump and get certified in Body Talk. I have been searching for some type of healing modality for a while now and because of my results, I want to share them with other people…. Thank you”

Molly D.

Anne-Marie broke her foot a few months ago and has been experiencing pain and stiffness. She had been having trouble walking and the doctor wouldn’t let her exercise at all and suggested an operation…

After one BodyTalk session, the pain disappeared by 80%, and she was able to walk more freely…

“Laura-I just wanted to let you know that I had my appt.w/ my podiatrist shortly after our session and for the first time in MONTHS he said the swelling had gone down and the bone damage in the toe was stabilizing. Up until our session I was not allowed to do any type of exercise and now I have graduated to being able to use a stationary bike :-)

Thank you, thank you, thank you for being the facilitator! I will see you soon…I have a feeling I will be able to graduate to “running” one day soon.”

“I recently took the Body Talk access class with Laura Hames in Brooklyn, NY. I had done a few private sessions with Laura after being recommended to Body Talk by a massage therapist in San Pancho, Mexico. I had these faint moles on my neck and during my massage she pointed them out saying, “This could be a virus. You should check out Body Talk when you get home.” Body Talk? I had never heard of Body Talk and I thought I had heard of everything. Something told me to listen and since I trusted this very gifted masseuse, I googled Body Talk as soon as I was back in NYC. I was lucky enough to find Laura who I connected with immediately  from the moment we spoke on the phone. I felt that I could trust her right away and I was excited about what she shared in regards to the body’s innate ability to heal itself and the power of perspective in relation to healthcare. About how there was nothing wrong, only places in the body where we could use some reorganizing… “priorities” in the body.

My experience was pretty intense from the start. I had a few very moving and insightful sessions, where I experienced a lot of physical and emotional release. But I was still not clear on exactly how any of this worked. So I signed myself up for the Access class.

Wow! This class filled in a lot of the blanks. It gave me a greater understanding of how Body Talk works and, even better, the tools to do 5 basic techniques on myself and others. I learned how it came to be, and I loved that fact that incorporated so many modalities that I believed in and yet it was unique. Body talk was about empowering the body to heal itself, not relying on someone with a completely different body and history to theorize on what was best for me. I loved it. I learned about the network of communication in the body and the brain and how vital it is to balance your left and right brain. At points in the class I felt invigorated, tired, and then rejuvenated.

There were about 8 people in the class and I felt that everyone had moments when their body’s were shifting energy. I was practicing one technique on a woman and she started to get so hot that she was sweating within moments. I could feel the release in her body and she could feel it too. And the best part was that all I was doing was lightly tapping on her head and sternum! Simply awakening the brain and heart to the links needed and wanted in her body at that moment! The best was when we did the technique for switching where we learned how to take the brain out of the “fog” of being switched off. Laura likened it to a computer. You know when your computer warns you “LOW BATTERY POWER” pretty soon it will shut itself off. Well that’s what happens in the brain too. It shuts off and your eyes may be open and you may even look half present but nothing’s on upstairs. This affects our judgement, ability to decipher left from right and overall clarity. Anyhow, after doing the simple switching technique, everyone felt more awake and present. What a great technique to have in your back pocket at home, work or where ever!

So, now we’ve taken the 30 day challenge to practice Body Talk every day for 30 days. I’ve found that just in the few days that I’ve done it, I’ve felt more grounded and peaceful. I am eager to use the technique to take myself out of fight of flight mode before my next big audition. So more to come soon :)

Krissy Oakes, NYC


BodyTalk Access and the Franklin Method are 2 systems that help to facilitate the body to work in a manner that supports the way the body is naturally designed. Laura Hames Franklin will be teaching a 3 hour workshop that will give you an overview of BodyTalk Access and the Franklin Method. Come learn more about these life-changing practices!

Date: June 10th, 2010

Time: 5:30pm-8:30pm

Cost: $20

Location: 122 St. Marks Ave. Apt 4, Brooklyn, NY

To register, contact Laura at laurahames@me.com

BodyTalk is a revolution in healthcare. It works to restore communications in the body that have become compromised. It is an effective way of accessing the body’s innate ability to heal itself. BodyTalk practitioners do not ‘diagnose,’ ‘prescribe,’ or ‘treat.’ Instead, the BodyTalk practitioner asks the client’s body what is its top priority to address, using a neuromuscular biofeedback technique and a protocol of questions.

The Franklin Method teaches you the know-how to make the most out of the body/mind continuum in a practical and hands on manner. We address the mind through the use of imagery in all its applications and we address the body by teaching you how it is designed to function.

link to facebook invite


Anna and her dancers tap out their cortices for 4 hours together in a performance installation!

Ivonne did BodyTalk Access on her mom in hospital and watched as the monitors showed her health improving before her eyes! Amazing…

“I began my 30 day BodyTalk Access challenge today. The class yesterday was fantastic! I left class vibrating, with so much positive energy. I went to meet some friends,and I had an opportunity to tap cortices, on a girlfriend who was in some pain because of a recent surgery she just had. She was open , to the treatment and I felt so good about applying the technique. I was amazed at how confident I felt about,applying the Access technique.

This had a lot to do with how you taught the class. You are very good at empowering people to feel confident about utilizing the information that you teach on the Body talk Access technique. Please get certified to teach Module I & 2,i am so interested in continuing on this path. Believe me I have taken numerous workshops and received certifications,on holistic modalities.This is the first time that I felt confident and exciting about applying the body talk access techniques to others and myself :)

After the treatment, my girlfriend said she felt a little better,and I told her to just pay attention to how she felt later. My other girlfriends were interested and one of them invited me to this monthly full moon meditation,that she has every month during the full moon. They want me to demonstrate the Body Talk Access techniques. The rest of the evening was amazing. I went home and fell asleep and slept like a baby.

I cannot stop talking about Body Access,and I have been meeting up with friends that are experiencing health challenges and I have been offering to do cortices on them, and they have accepted the treatment.”

Read article online

When Shannon Murphy’s grandmother suffered a stroke, the Pennsylvania resident knew she would need support. But not just the kind that offers a kindly word of hope.

She called Laura Hames Franklin, a BodyTalk practitioner, who has immersed herself in the energy healing technique. Over the phone, the New York City resident conducted a session and left Murphy, who also has studied the technique, in charge.

“The things that came up (in Laura’s session) seemed as though they were coming out of my grandmother’s mouth,” Murphy told Franklin in an e-mail. “Even though Laura had never met her and knew very little of her.”

Murphy continued “tapping out cortices” — a standard technique in BodyTalk that involves gentle tapping on the head and sternum that is designed to reawaken the body’s energy circuits. While the initial bodywork was on herself, once the family was able to see the patient, she began to directly apply the technique on her 82-year-old grandmother.

“The first time was when they were trying to see if there would be any paralysis,” she said. “As soon as I began tapping, she began to move her hands and was making facial expressions while still on the ventilator.”

She continued working on herself throughout the day, and eventually other family members became involved. Other than being weak and sleepy, Murphy’s grandmother had no ill effects from the stroke. “The doctors are saying that she totally stumped them,” Murphy wrote.

Franklin wasn’t surprised. Since she stumbled upon BodyTalk almost five years ago, she said she’s still constantly amazed at the technique’s potential to open new areas of the body’s awareness — not just for herself, but for others as well.

“It is so rooted in consciousness,” Franklin said. “It’s about evolving and self-discovery. It’s not just about health and healing; it’s also about transforming.”

Long-distance healing — like help over the phone — isn’t that unusual, Franklin said, something physicists call a “nonlocal quantum hologram.” Consider the experience when one person knows what has happened to another even though they are separated by thousands of miles.

“BodyTalk enables us to access the alpha state which allows the practitioner to tune into clients and deal with their healing priorities at a deep and lasting level, even at a distance,” she said. “While a practitioner cannot ‘read the client’s mind,’ they are able to identify healing priorities.”

Developed in the 1990s by John Veltheim, an Australian chiropractor, acupuncturist and Reiki master, the noninvasive technique combines elements of Eastern and Western theories. Veltheim was inspired by the ancient tapping technique to turn around his own health crisis.

Practitioners, using a form of biofeedback, identify weakened energy circuits within the body that might be blocked for whatever reason, often stress or trauma. Attention is placed on those areas or points, and then the practitioner lightly taps the client’s head, stimulating the brain center. That causes the brain to re-evaluate the state of the body’s health.

The goal of the technique, Franklin said, is to stimulate the body’s ability to communicate and heal itself. As a practitioner, Franklin said she’s not really doing anything to the person except helping them make connections and trust the body’s healing potential.

She’s offering sessions during her annual Santa Fe trek next week, along with a course in BodyTalk Access from 12:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. May 8, at the Pilates Zone, 1704 Lena St. B9. The cost for the course is $150.

The class teaches five BodyTalk techniques and a first aid procedure — called Fast Aide — that people can do on themselves or others to help with health and balance. Franklin calls the simple techniques an incredible tool that people can access the rest of their lives.

The techniques can complement many other healing arts, and she encourages health care practitioners to participate. Maya Aubrey, a Santa Fe Pilates instructor and dancer who is coordinating Franklin’s visit, said she happened upon BodyTalk without knowing much about it and took Franklin’s introductory class. That night, she said she felt a miraculous disappearance of a pain in her wrist she had sprained weeks earlier. That encouraged her to take the full-day course.

Since then, Aubrey’s been a believer, and said it’s time everyone learned the simple techniques to tap into the wisdom of the body. Once, for example, Aubrey cut her finger deeply while slicing vegetables. She bandaged the finger, but then used the Fast Aide technique. The bleeding quickly stopped, and she’s shared the technique, along with others, to friends and family. She’s even used one technique that does wonders for allergies, she said.

“I am so amazed at the healing powers you can bring up into your own body,” Aubrey said. “These are such simple techniques that everyone should learn them.”

For more information about the class call Franklin at 917-653-8916 or register online atwww.bodytalksystem.com/seminars/details.cfm?id=12985 or e-mail her at laurahames@me.com. Her website is www.bodytalkspace.com. She also is available for individual sessions on Friday or May 9. Aubrey is available at mayaaubrey@gmail.com or 989-9450.

Contact Ben Swan at 986-3051 or e-mail bswan@sfnewmex

“I stumbled across Access without knowing what  it was.  I took Laura’s introduction and felt a miraculous disappearance of pain in a wrist I had sprained weeks earlier.

I have had the opportunity to practice Access on myself to stop cuts from bleeding on more that one occasion.  I have had the opportunity to practice it on friends and family who were stressed or in pain and they all felt a disconnect from the pain and a reconnection to themselves.

Everyone should learn these techniques.  We all have the ability to heal ourselves, quickly.”

Maya Aubrey, Pilates Instructor and dancer

Please join Laura Hames Franklin and our friends at Sun in Bloom for wonderful delights and an evening of inspiration and health. Laura will present on BodyTalk and how you can take charge of your health and life. You will learn a simple and powerful technique to balance your brain, and improve health in your whole body. See a live session and feel the joy of health from the inside out!

Tomorrow, Thursday April 22nd 7-9pm

@ Sun in Bloom, 490 Bergen Street, Brooklyn, NY @ Flatbush Ave

Call Laura for more details 917.653.8916

My name is Shannon Murphy, I have had a few successful and meaningful body talk session’s, and have my access certification. On Sunday, my grandmother(82) had a stroke. She had been struggling with dementia, and may have forgotten to take her blood pressure medication. I immediately called Laura, as one of my closest friends I needed both her energetic support for myself and my grandmother. She did a BodyTalk session on my grandmother. The things that came up seemed as though there were coming out of my grandmothers mouth even though Laura had never met her and knew very little of her. I continued to do Access on myself, and tapped out my grandmother’s cortices through myself, and a few of my family members who were also at the hospital. When we were finally able to see her, I tapped her cortices out many times. The first time was when there were trying to see if there would be any paralysis. As soon as i began tapping she began to move both her hands, and was making as many facial expressions as one can do while on a ventilator. I continued to tap out her cortices on myself and throughout the day, one by one all of my family wanted to be a part of it.

The doctors are saying that she has totally stumped them. She has full mobility in her limbs, and no paralysis of facial muscles or eyes. Other then being week, a bit confused and sleepy, she has no affects from the stroke. It was possibly more than an hr before she received care once her stroke began, and the doctors themselves are not sure how this is possible. My whole family are tapping out their cortices for her and themselves. I’ve been told that they will trust my seemingly loony tapping obsession from now on! (ha ha)

I want to Thank Laura and the bodytalk system for allowing this joyful story to take form.

Much love and energy to you


Laura Hames gives a brief introduction to BodyTalk and how it works.

Jared is a musician and feels that BodyTalk has helped him live to his fuller and fuller potential. It helps to balance the relationship between head and heart and bring a lot of what he has been understanding on a mental level to a kinesthetic body level. It has helped him to be clear about his goals and what he is really about by clearing away past beliefs that are no longer serving his life. Hear what he has to say!

She was spending lots of money on chiropractors trying to alleviate her back pain. After her first BodyTalk session all her pain disappeared and she also was able to resolve some emotional issues that she had been having. It was interesting for her to make the connection between her back pain and the things that came up in her session and was very happy to save money on chiropractor visits!

Mental Clarity

“My testimonial is all about mental clarity.  Yesterday I did my daily Access (minus reciprocals) before getting ready.  Then I did my cortices minutes before teaching high schoolers.  I did not feel nervous.  I was mentally ready to handle the unknown variables that come with teaching a live group.  I handled questions deftly and recognized opportunities to reveal Franklin insights to them.  Great progress!

Also, as I prepare for my foot class this weekend, I am making new, clear insights & unraveling past confusion while discovering  new opportunities to convey Franklin-isms.  My brain is functioning on a higher level.  I am having “Aha!” moments all the time now.  I have a new confidence in my teaching too.”

Gini Martinez

Laura is teaching BodyTalk Access this Sunday, Feb 14th in Studio City, LA. Hear a brief introduction on BodyTalk and BodyTalk Access… stay tuned for more videos!

Laura is also teaching BodyTalk Access in Santa Fe on February 20th!

Rachael experienced her first BodyTalk session and is amazed how profound and simple the experience was.

click here to read article online

BodyTalk: Could a new therapy be the answer to all your aches and pains?

Rumoured to be popular with Oprah Winfrey and Barack Obama, BodyTalk is now finding converts in Britain.

Have you ever wondered how the superhuman among us – the Barack Obamas, the Oprah Winfreys – manage to appear so gleaming, so lucid, so centred apparently all the time? Don’t they ever have an off day?

Obama, who this week celebrated his first year in office, shares a little secret with Oprah. They are reportedly both fans of “BodyTalk”, the alternative healthcare system of the moment, now finding converts in Britain.

BodyTalk is based on the belief that the body knows how to heal itself but, like a computer, can get overloaded, leading to malfunction. A BodyTalk practitioner offers no diagnosis or prescription, just a “rewiring” session using muscle testing and light tapping on the head and sternum to re‑establish channels of communication within the body. Then the body will start functioning optimally again.

Words like “innate”, “healing” and “wisdom” set off alarm bells for me, especially when used together. But look past the jargon – and past the fact that this is a booming Florida business whose founder, Dr John Veltheim, resembles an outsize elf with bushy beard and evangelical smile – and there is sense in recognising the body as a “whole” with interconnecting systems. After all, we know that when one thing goes wrong, diverse other symptoms can crop up.

Veltheim, an Australian, once ran a busy clinic for Chinese medicine, acupuncture, chiropractic and naturopathy. He became exhausted, got ill and couldn’t recover. The long search for a cure led him to experiment with blending these and other alternative therapies, creating “acupuncture without needles”.

His eureka moment came in 1995 with the discovery that you can literally tap into the body’s energy circuits by using simple muscle testing to discover areas of sluggish communication. Tapping on the head then tells the brain to “fix” the faulty circuit, followed by tapping on the heart to “store” the fix, just like a computer downloading a programme.

Confused? Cynical? London-based practitioner Britt Jorgensen was when she first encountered BodyTalk on a yoga retreat in the United States four years ago. “People were talking about this miracle cure,” she says. But no one could come up with a description that made sense to her.

Three weeks later, Jorgensen booked onto a BodyTalk course in New York and was captivated. She started practising on her husband, on friends and children, and says the results were demonstrable. Backache disappeared. Depression lifted. Skin complaints cleared up. Hyperactive children sat still. She continued training, gave up her high-powered job and qualified as a practitioner, treating people for complaints as varied as phobias, slipped discs and digestive problems.

I put Jorgensen to the test with a clutch of minor ailments: stiff back, aching wrist, sore throat – plus an unhealthy surfeit of anger. I lie on the treatment table and she wiggles my hand and arm, then lightly taps my head and chest bone. She also holds my feet briefly and lays a hand over my middle (she picks up straight away on the anger: the liver meridian apparently needs “balancing”).

Does she have healing hands? No. BodyTalk is an “energy medicine”, based on scientific principles. Veltheim has used neuroscience to back his findings, including a recent experiment in which the brain’s responses to BodyTalk were monitored. I leave the treatment room still unconvinced. The tapping feels too much like knocking on wood – vague optimism rather than hard science.

But, one month later, the results of three sessions have shaken my scepticism. All physical complaints disappeared within hours of treatment. More surprising has been my change in mood: I feel increasingly clear-headed, light-chested, optimistic and energetic, as if the white noise of 21st-century urban life has been switched off in my head.

I still don’t know how it works, but then I don’t understand what my computer repair man does either.

BodyTalk at home

The Access programme offers DIY techniques to improve health and wellbeing, and is taught regularly around Britain and the US. Most simple is the Cortices Technique, intended to connect the right side of the brain to the left, eliminating “cold spots” of diminished blood supply or cellular activity. Do this regularly and, it is claimed, you should find your head feels less foggy and your mental focus may sharpen.

1 Hold one hand sideways at the base of the skull. With the other hand lightly tap the top of the head and then the sternum, alternating for two full breath cycles.

2 Repeat this procedure until you have covered the whole midline of the head to just above the eyebrows.

3 Hold both sides of the head for a few second. Release one hand to repeat tapping procedure as above, then hold head again.

see http://www.bodytalkbrain.com for details

Last week, I had the pleasure of introducing BodyTalk to a group of parents, teachers and children at a school in New Jersey. All were eager to hear of ways to support their own health and participate in taking care of their children without drugs and expense.

“No one is more of an expert regarding your body than you.  Sure, your mind & body may become disconnected over time as you go through life, taking on more responsibilities and dealing with more pressure, but the innate knowledge of your own body is within.  BodyTalk is a tool to reignite the conversation.  I believe it is an essential step in combating the healthcare crisis & reasserting ourselves in control of our health” Gini, mother of 3

Here Matthew, age 3, asked to have BodyTalk, and we demonstrated how to tap out his cortices. He is looking at the book which shows very clearly the two hemisperes of the brain. Children respond very quickly to having their cortices balanced and it improves their ability to concentrate and think clearly. It is an essential technique to know if your child has an accident or injury as it quickly and effectively brings the body out of shock so that it can heal most effectively.

Here Matthew, with mother Ana Laura, ‘taps out’ his young friend.

“I want to share the wonderful experience I have had with BodyTalk.  I had a very serious back injury in the beginning of the year, and the doctors didn’t have many options for me other than rest and pills.  I knew in my heart I had to grow and learn from this and BodyTalk came my way and really set me up for a successful recovery.

Learning about BodyTalk gave me a sense of calm and confidence that with my two hands I could help my family and myself to heal. With a young child and all the new experiences you go through, learning the Access techniques gave me a sense of hope and control that I can positively affect our healing and it is all in our mind.  Shedding those layers and allowing the body to heal itself was such a peaceful and reassuring concept to embrace.

I Hope you enjoy learning about these simple yet very effective ways of keeping balance.” Ana Laura Cooney

Learn BodyTalk Access

Learn how to balance your cortices

Hear what children in Bali have to say

“I can also tell you I have had a personal BodyTalk session with Laura Hames for overall wellness which left me with a clear head, my goals & priorities well defined in my mind & and overall sense of calm.  Additionally, I have had BodyTalk sessions done for one of my sons.  He has had a problem with inner ear fluid build up which results in hearing loss.  He has undergone numerous surgeries & been prescribed nasal sprays to correct the problem.  When it returned again this year, I decided to try a new approach.  I called Laura.  Within 3 sessions, his hearing had returned!  I am looking forward to learning techniques I can do for myself & my family in the future without having to rely so much on others for our family’s wellness.” Gini Martinez

Listen to Laura’s latest radio interview that will give you an insight into how BodyTalk can help you embrace your uniqueness.BodyTalk is tailored to each individual and their unique life, as opposed to putting symptoms and issues into boxes to be fixed like  a machine.

BodyTalk also helps you get closer to your unique purpose and expression by getting the body to clear up it’s past traumas- emotional, physical and mental. These past traumas can block us from living our full dreams and passions and not able to fully embrace who we are… instead we can become the product of our stress. Once we can bring the body’s awareness to these areas, it can very quickly and simply let them go and liberate a clearer path to embracing one’s uniqueness!~


I followed Laura Hames into an elementary school to help out as she taught an introductory BodyTalk class to a group of teachers, whose students range from 3 to 5 years old. All morning, I had been feeling the typical swell of contentious thoughts racing around in my head, taking stock of what I still hadn’t accomplished. So many obstacles had amassed between myself and everything I want to experience and create in my life. As a performer, this is a very common experience, since in most cases, the performer is the last and most expendable element to be hired in any project, and we often feel at the mercy of each and every potential employer.

As I was listening to Laura talk about the incredible natural abilities of the body, a chord of sadness struck me. If everyone were taught as children that perfect balance, perfect health, natural happiness, and peace were our inherent birthright, that we contain everything necessary to cultivate and live in these abundant states within our bodies and minds already, what would the world look like? From our very early moments, it seems that we’re fed the message that everything comes from sources outside of ourselves. From commercials, whose underlying message is always “your life would truly be perfect if only you would just go out and buy…” to the quick fix medical drugs available for every conceivable condition. I can’t think of a single campaign encouraging people to begin to look inside of themselves for answers and healing

I was saddened by our general acceptance of and often genuine belief in this barrage of information coming at us daily, telling us that we are not quite good enough, good looking enough, healthy enough, the list goes on. Sitting there, I realized that lately I had been letting my guard down and begun buying into the mainstream double standard: here is this unattainable image, and though nearly impossible to achieve, we hold ourselves to these standards and then later judge ourselves by them. It’s bizarre to look at these images of beauty, sex appeal, success, and realize that not a single one of them originates from my true desires and inclinations.

The teachers first sat down, all women, in a timid semi-circle, listening politely, occasionally glancing around to check in with one another. As Laura began to speak more and more about our usual states of low-grade discomfort and the states of shock that we easily slip into during the high-stress accumulation of our days, a warmth spread over the women. It felt good to be reminded that everyone struggles with these conditions, that we’re not alone in this. In fact, Laura had a very practical and supportive way of addressing these conditions. Giving the body its due credit, she spoke about how it is ready and wanting to heal at any moment, but we have built up these obstacles and unintentionally broken down necessary lines of communication within the body and mind. So, without any judgment or blame, through BodyTalk, we can now remove those impediments and allow our perfect health to flow back in quickly and naturally.

After teaching the basics of balancing the cortices, one of the teachers volunteered for a quick BodyTalk demonstration. The women were amazed as specific conflicts came up quickly and were resolved just as quickly. It was incredible to witness how detailed and accessible all of the information was coming from the simple process of muscle testing. Laura left them all with the cortices balancing technique and the challenge to see how things begin to shift within themselves as they continue to practice. As we walked back to the train, I observed that a lot of those thoughts that had been tormenting me earlier had fallen away and a sense of contentment began to take over.

Later that day, I had an individual session with Laura, which was a true healing. The conflicts that I had been struggling with as I approached my professional career, and also a new writing project I have recently begun, all came up with stunning clarity. My liver had essentially become a taskmaster, overpowering my gall bladder with its incessant demands of what must be done, now, now, now, relentless and insatiable. My gall bladder had been paralyzed by this and was not functioning well, unsure of how and when to meet all of these demands. From there we went on to balance the two diametrically opposed halves the brain, left and right, masculine and feminine, practical and creative, and restored their symbiotic relationship. I had created a false belief that was blocking a huge portion of my 3rd eye chakra, my vision and intuition, regarding it being “a man’s world”, my false perceptions of how a woman must alter herself in order to succeed. Needless to say, I felt deep gratitude and relief to have all of this cleared away so quickly and without any need for analysis or judgment. Laura is a deeply creative and intuitive practitioner, and as she talked with my body throughout the session, I felt that I had been truly heard on all levels.

Picture 4

Click here to listen to an interview with Laura Hames on BodyTalk.

Laura explains about BodyTalk, how it works, and hear two sessions live!

Today I had the pleasure to be able to present BodyTalk to the audience of BlogTalk radio! It is a show hosted by Tracey Owen who is a Licensed Massage Therapist and Reiki Master Teacher. TAO Radio is a venue for the presentation of healing energies, a resource for the understanding of energy healing on all levels from the physical to the etheric. It was incredible to present BodyTalk live on the radio to such an enthusiastic audience. People were calling in to ask questions and experience a distance BodyTalk session. I did two sessions ‘live on air’, which felt incredible. Both the women who had sessions expressed great results. The first woman felt a big emotional release and shifts in feeling more comfortable in her life and expression of who she is. The second woman had back and shoulder pain. After 2 links, which did not directly address her condition, but more created the connections for her between things that are going on in her life and how that is related to her back, experienced the pain lift! Both women were very excited to pursue BodyTalk to get more sessions as well as to learn it.

Picture 5

The third caller was Eric Morrison, brother of Luke Morrison CBP, who has just completed his first day of module 1. He called in to share his experience of BodyTalk and how it has changed his life on many levels from health to emotional factors and taking huge leaps in his career. He was full of excitement to learn and practice BodyTalk with his clients.

The most important thing that I wanted to get across is that BodyTalk is not JUST a healthcare system. Instead it is really a system that helps people to get closer to their passion and life purpose~ and change their relationship to ‘illness or injury’.  Health more a path of awareness rather than being symptom free. So, when we experience symptoms we can relate to them as an opportunity to grow and learn about ourselves rather than something to be fearful of. If the body really can heal, then we can embrace that wisdom and start to let go of the belief that we are ‘designed to break!’ BodyTalk is a fantastic way to introduce people to these concepts and is perfectly tailored for every individual.

I hope you enjoy listening to this interview and you can forward it to your friends or anyone who may be interested in hearing more

Last week, we had the pleasure to work with 90 Cirque du Soleil cast members over two days at their home in the Bellagio theatre Las Vegas. We watched them perform in the show which was breathtaking and their talent unbelievable~ diving from 100 feet up, swinging from the high trapeze and a school of synchronized swimmers all perfectly pointed and dynamic. The show was beautifully packaged in stunning scenery, moving floors, a huge 18 foot deep pool, and moving music and theatrical expression.


Thanks to director, Luke, the full cast of 90 acrobats, divers, trapeeze artists and syncronized swimmers in the cast of ‘O’ had the opportunity to experience an intense 4 hour workshop in the Franklin Method where they learned about their bodies and how to take care of them. It was astonishing, despite their incredible skills, that they lacked basic know-how and awareness of the function of thier bodies and how to take care of them. Eric started by asking them how they would like to end their career~ either by them deciding to do something different, or by injury. Obviously they all wanted the first, but despite that, they all expressed aches, pains and injuries in many of their body parts- especially spine, pelvis and knees.

We looked at the pelvis and spine and embodied it’s function, so that they can actually start to use it as it’s designed rather than wearing it out due to mis-use. Even though the performers can do incredible feats with their bodies, the fundamental understanding of movement and simple awareness was very compromised. It was a new perspective to be able to achieve the same movements with less stress and resistance.

In each session, we opened the second half of the workshop with teaching them how to balance their cortices. Both times, the artists were immediately more able to concentrate and be present in their bodies. they expressed feeling more centered, relaxed and present. There was a huge shift in the energy of the whole room, and they were able to stay far more present for the second section of the workshop.


These performers do 478 shows per year, and so their schedule is incredibly intense. Even this workshop was long for them to give their time to, but the response was so positive and full of appreciation and insights. It was an honor to work with these incredible people, and we look forward to doing more work with them.


One of their favorite parts was rolling on the Franklin balls and releasing tension all over their bodies. As they are able to give back to themselves rather than always being ‘outward’ and performing for others, they said that they started to feel the magic in their own movements again, rather than being lost in the spectacle of a magical show.


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Laura, you are certified as both a Franklin Method instructor and a BodyTalk practitioner. Can you explain some of the key principles of the Franklin Method? How would you describe this method to someone unfamiliar with it?

The Franklin Method teaches people to use imagery to improve their body, mind, health and life. It looks at the anatomical function and design of the body and uses these principles to create efficient and healthy movement. When we have a clear understanding and image of how the body functions on the inside, we can experience instantaneous improvement in our strength, flexibility, coordination, balance and stability……

Read full article here:

Roland is feeling much different after his first BodyTalk session a week ago. It was amazing how the things that came up in his session were aspects that he had been aware of, but hadn’t related to his knee pain. Now his knees are feeling much better and he is connecting lots of parts of himself.

Roland just experienced his first BodyTalk session. He came because of a knee injury, but is witnessing that many issues in his life are all connected. Hear what he has to say!

Laura’s back was injured, and now she feels her body is able to support her, and she is able to support her family and live her life with much more peace and ease. Yay BodyTalk!

Loesje Jacob has been taking BodyTalk to communities around the world who do not have access to healthcare. She has been working with youth to teach them how do BodyTalk on themselves and their communities so they can feel empowered to be to support their own health. Many areas cannot afford care, they now can take care of over 60% of their daily health challenges with these powerful techniques.

Loesje’s website is: www.fullcircle333.com

This year’s BodyTalk conference has kicked off with an inspiring day bringing together the BodyTalk matrix and uniting our vision.

Esther Veltheim opened the conference with a beautiful welcome and appreciation for our opportunity to come together. This was followed by John Veltheim, Allan Vickers and other speakers from our pool of skilled members and instructors who shared news about what we have acomplished as a global community since the last member’s conference two years ago. It was incredible to hear all of the transformations that we’ve gone through as a large team of professionals with a united vision- to share the exitement and raise awareness of the huge potential of this healthcare system that gives the power back to the individual. BodyTalk has reached new parts of the world, new communities, and given individuals the tools and empowerment to step into their own healing potential and share this with others.


In this photo, John Veltheim is doing a session on the BodyTalk matrix.

One of the most inspiring moments was when John spoke about the amazing outreach that the IBF is working on to get BodyTalk into communities that don’t have access to healthcare. Many of our practitioners and members are taking initiative to get BodyTalk to a wider audience fuelled by our enthusiasm to share his work. Stay tunes for some updates on this work. If you know anyone who might like to donate to the IBF, in order to fund this great cause, please check out BodyTalk Foundation

We have a large number of new practitioners, Access trainers, BodyTalk Instructors and Advanced instructors. This shows the huge growth of the BodyTalk matrix, and it is exciting to continue to get the word out.

Today, James Hollis spoke on the topic ‘the wounded healer’. It is very interesting to hear how his perspective supports our work with BodyTalk.

Hanna-Lee shares about why you should keep tapping out your cortices… and take the BodyTalk Access class!

Balance your cortices now! www.bodytalkbrain.com

One of Charlotte Nielsen’s new Access students in the UK sent her this lovely letter and is happy to share it with us.

Dear Charlotte,

Thank you for an inspirational day on Sunday. I really felt so good after your teaching – and inspired to work with BodyTalk.

I thought you might like to know how one of your students has been getting on: On Sunday the main difference that happened to me was that my neck and upper spine (childhood fall from a very big horse, broken neck as a young adult and two further whiplash accidents – as well as Fibromyalgia pain) that is normally very cold (and has been for years) became warm!! Slowly, throughout the day, first my neck, then upper back and gradually my whole spine relaxed and all the pain disolved. Normally I cannot sit for more that about 15 minutes without being in quite severe pain – but on Sunday (although the chairs were a little too high for me, so my feet could not quite touch the ground comfortably) I was able to remain almost still and felt reasonably comfortable. Of course, the pain has returned – but see below! As a 3+ litres of water a day woman for the last 5 or 6 years I am surprised that I am not feeling the need to be constantly drinking (although I’m still drinking about 2 litres). This is especially noticeable at night when, for at least 2 or 3 years I have had to drink anything from a couple of glasses to a whole litre of water between 10pm and 7am. Of course, that means that I have been waking up at frequent intervals throughout the night to drink and to go to the bathroom and, so, losing good quality sleep (FM pain and restless legs also keep me awake sometimes). I have done Cortices and Switching immediately before putting out the light and have experienced three of the best and most restorative nights’ sleep that I have known for years. Usually I take absolutely ages to get to sleep but I can’t remember even putting my head on the pillow and, although I have woken up a couple of times for a drink, I have gone back to sleep almost straight away.

I have done Access 1-5 each morning and my spine has responded again by becoming warm. In fact it is warm most of the time and, when I notice that it is not, by simply placing my hand over my neck and really concentrating on it I can recover the warmth quite well. And, here, a few little miracles! 1: my yellow, furry tongue (for several months now) has almost returned to normal and 2: the athlete’s foot (which I noticed on Friday was quite bad but could not find my special cream with which to treat it) has disappeared completely without ‘medical’ treatment! Also, 3, I have been quite desperate to ‘clear some clutter’ for ages, and had found it difficult to get started…but now it is happening! I can’t wait to see what gets better next.

Best wishes, Janet.

What a revelation. Worrying doesn’t help matters. It is such an honor to be sharing this amazing work, and witnessing shifts like this that happen in people! To realize that worrying isn’t productive is so powerful and empowering. It can be difficult when we want to express our care for someone else, by taking on their issues and feeling bad ourselves. Muriel had this amazing discovery and was excited to share it. Thank you!

The Nautica New York City Triathlon is an Olympic Distance race consisting of a 1500m swim, a 40k bike, and a 10k run. Each year over 3000 athletes brave the waters of the mighty Hudson River before biking along Manhattan’s West Side highway. Finally, athletes put on their running shoes for a run through New York’s famed Central Park.

As part of the triathlon, the participants must attend pre-race briefing and they get to attend health and fitness Expo that was held at the midtown Sheraton hotel. Thousands of athletes, friends, families, and fans took advantage of the wide variety of promotional booths, free goodies and activities.

Alongside the likes of Paragon Sports, POM, Nautica and many other top exhibitors, the Bodytalk Space had a booth and created their usual energetic and enthusiastic buzz! ‘This BodyTalk thing’ quickly became the talk of the Expo and our booth one of the hotspots! Laura Hames and the NY BodyTalk team had an amazing weekend tapping out cortices, giving mini-sessions, and sharing knowledge of the body’s ability to change, heal, and develop.


BodyTalk is an incredibly beneficial tool for athletes, especially before a race. Tapping out cortices facilitates communication between the right and left brain, optimizing brain power.  A balanced brain is naturally brought out of any kind of shock state it might be in, such as those induced by pre-race jitters and stress.  Newbies to BodyTalk were astounded by the level of calmness and focus they experienced after being tapped out.  Several of the athletes who had injuries, aches, or pains felt their discomfort significantly subside after simple Access work, if not disappear completely.  Athletes left the booth feeling confident, optimistic, and physical prepared for the race. One woman came to the booth with head pain left from a car accident she’d had three years ago.  After tapping out her cortices, the pain that she had dealt with for the past three years disappeared entirely.  Witnessing such dramatic shifts in people after only a few minutes of tapping was terrific.  At times the energetic outflow was so strong that lines of people stood outside the booth waiting to be tapped out.

Over the course of the weekend BodyTalk helped dozens of athletes overcome some of the physical and mental challenges they face daily. Benefits of discarding the fear, doubt, grief and beliefs that we all harbor inside our bodies seem almost amplified when the impact on a person’s lifestyle is as physically obvious as it is in athletes.  When the body is finally given the opportunity to let go of something it has been hanging on to, we often see a direct result in something as measurable as race time.  One man who visited the booth came in five minutes under his previous record a day later.  Dozens more reported better times, less jitters, more focus and happier races.  Messages of gratitude and thanks were endless and wonderful. The BodyTalk team gave Expo visitors the unparalleled gift of discovering the power, strength, and beauty that is already inside of them.  It was a truly spectacular event!

Thank you to Ann George for being the catalyst for organizing this event, our wonderful team for your support and all of our friends (both long standing and new) for sharing your experiences and helping to make this event so magnificent. We are excited to be inspired, and share that inspiration :-)

To see more pics click here

by Shannon MacDowell and Laura Hames

This was incredible! After a car accident 3 years ago, Laurie had head pain for the past 3 years. She has been to chiropractors, acupuncturists, and other health professionals to try to get rid of it. We just balanced her cortices, and it disappeared. It was amazing! Thank you BodyTalk… everyone now go an learn how to balance your cortices, and teach all your friends. you never know when you’ll use it!

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Is that a question you have ever considered!? Does that sound strange or reasonable? Have you ever experienced your body and mind feeling fragmented? Like you have many different personalities inside you battling it out to be top? Does part of you want you to succeed, and part of you think you will fail?

It’s amazing when we start to realize the connection between the health of our organs, endocrines, body parts and our ability to succeed in life. If we have experienced stress at any time in our lives, it can affect us in everything we do from that moment onwards. It causes the body to function less optimally, and we are then less efficient and this leads to injury, disease and fatigue. Stress can come in many forms- physical, emotional, mental, the feeling of never enough time, toxins, the air we breathe, cell phones, television, bad news…

Picture 1- communication no typo


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When the body experiences these stressors, it causes the body’s communication systems to be sluggish and overtaxed causes them to breakdown. When this happens, the body parts don’t work as well, as they have been overtaxed and their circuits and communication systems have blown.

With BodyTalk, you can literally start to let go and release the ‘past stuff’, that has been overwhelming the body’s system, and start to improve in everything you do. Letting go of past emotions that may have been stored for years, rebooting the body’s systems and getting the brain actually see what is going on and fix it creates the possibility for everything to heal and anything to change. When the body doesn’t have a way to clear out, it just gets filled up with this stress, and it makes everything far more challenging and tiresome. 

If your body has a chance to express itself, and clear out what has been causing it to run slowly, then anything can change… and anything can heal…. and anything is possible! We are walking miracles… it’s time we began to live that!

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At the Triathlon yesterday, we had so many excited people come and ask us for more BodyTalk, and cortices balancing! There were a few people who after receiving BodyTalk said they ran their personal record. Well done everyone!


Yesterday we had the pleasure to share BodyTalk with many athletes who are competing in the NYC Triathlon this Sunday. Those who experienced it were thrilled with the amazing results- feeling more balanced, relaxed, ready to race… We had some people who came in with injuries and left without them! It was a pleasure to give people another option for them to take an active role in their health and performance. Many people commented that they are just beginning to realize the fundamental and important connection between the body and mind, as well as health and balance to their performance. A lot of people appeared to be suffering from injuries, and BodyTalk gave them a new way to look at the possibilities for healing them, rather than just managing them!

We are back there today, and tomorrow is the big race…. stay tuned!

Tap out your cortices… Http://www.bodytalkbrain.com

Meghan has severe allergies to nuts where she will usually need to go to the hospital. These allergies have been getting worse.


Meghan has been getting BodyTalk for a few months, and taken BodyTalk Access which she has been practicing on herself regularly. One of the techniques is balancing the cortices, which helps to bring the body and mind out of shock, and resets the nervous system (among many other benefits).

Last week, Meghan accidently ate something with nuts in it. Her symptoms began and she thought that she would have to go to the hospital as usual. She immediately started tapping out her cortices, and the reaction vanished. No vomiting, no nausea, no swelling…. and no need to go to the hospital!

From Meghan:

“I have a severe allergy to tree nuts.  Sever as in if I eat certain kinds of nuts I go into anaphylactic shock, and I need to inject myself immediately with medicine that potentially saves my life.  A month ago I went to the Bodytalk Access class to better understand BodyTalk, which I had tried a few times before with amazing results.  During the Access class, Laura made mention of anaphylactic shock and allergic reactions and the benefits of tapping out the cortices if you start to have an allergic reaction.  Well, I logged that away, and but a week later, I ingested cashew nuts accidentally and my body started to have a reaction.  Now, the last time I had an allergic reaction to cashews I was in the emergency room hooked up to a medication IV, so I started to panic, when suddenly I remembered the Access class, and I quickly tapped out my cortices.  What happened next blew my mind: the reaction stopped, my body normalized and I didn’t get sick at all.  This is nothing short of miraculous given my history with my tree-nut allergy, and I am so thankful that I took the Bodytalk Access class that saved me from a lot of pain and suffering!”

Meghan Malloy


See Shannon’s blog